back to forms *If solar panels are to be installed, please contact our office prior to submitting a roof inspection request. Start Date * Due to Hurricane * —Please choose an option—NoneIkeKatrinaHarveyBeryl Contractor Details Company Name (BUSINESS NAME, NOT AN INDIVIDUAL’S NAME)required If the owner is performing the work, enter “Homeowner” here. Contractor Address Contractor’s Phone Contractor’s Email Onsite Supervisor’s Name required Supervisor’s Phone required Job Details Job Address required Select City, Zip, County required —Please choose an option— If no gatecode is required, enter “0” required Homeowner Name required Homeowner Phone required Roof Details Type of Roof required —Please choose an option—COMP SHINGLEFLATMETALCOMP SHINGLE/METALCOMP SHINGLE/FLATFLAT/METALOTHER If “Name of Roof” is Other, type here. Please list ALL roof covering manufacturers being used to avoid any delays: required If FLAT or METAL, TDI Product Evaluation is required, and you must call us to get the design pressure. Must be TDI approved. N/A will not be accepted. Underlayment Product Name (eg: ProArmor, Feltbuster) required Synthetic is not acceptable: Entire/Partial Reroof? required —Please choose an option—Entire ReroofPartial Reroof Redecking? NoneEntire RedeckingPartial Redecking Type of Structure *hold “CTRL” to choose multiple. CommercialResidential DwellingDuplexGarage Attached by BreezewayDetached GarageCondominiumTownhouseApartmentsFarm & RanchMetal BuildingOther If “Type of Structure” is Other, type here. Any additional coverings attached to home? NoYes If yes, what side of the home is the covering located on? To be excluded Your Name required Your Email required Notice: required I understand if this inspection has been submitted after 5pm (Monday – Friday) for the next day, it will be considered a same day inspection and will be charged at a higher rate. Submissions after 5pm Friday will be scheduled for Monday. I understand that all Saturday inspections will be billed at a higher rate. Please leave this field empty. *We will send confirmation that we received your Roof Inspection request form to your email provided. Before resubmitting, please check your junk folder.